Wot, no schism?
Who let the Lutherans off the hook?
Mollie, over at 'Get Religion' asks why the disciplinary hearing. of an ECLA pastor is making such a tiny footpring in the press.
"I’m surprised the story hasn’t gotten more coverage, considering how obsessed the media are over the Episcopal Church’s significant issues with homosexuality and how to interpret Scripture."
"Michael" comments later and suggests that a comparison between the two denominations should be made.
"I think it would be interesting because the stories are actually so dissimilar. There is no significant insurgency in the ECLA, no mysterious Third World bishops, no larger questions about the global community, no angst over female priests. Instead, the dispute in the ELCA is largely about homosexualty with questions about scriptural interpretation as a faint overlay".
There is almost no reason at all for the ECLA to have avoided the 'righteous' hammering that has been dished out to the Episcopal Church in the USA. It has always surprised me. Back in my home country, the Anglican Church of Canada maintains excellent relations with the Lutherans. They've overtaken the United Church of Canada as 'partners of choice'. We exchange pastors. The Lutherans in Canada and the U.S. have high and low. They have evangelicals, charismatics and woolly liberals within the same denomination - often within the same Synods and I assume that this is the case as well in the U.S.A. So why no public schisms? Why no Lutheran Bishops with bushy eyebrows threatening to be parachuted in as the Great White Hope by the Larger Lutheran World? Why no Lutheran version of Peter Toon rising from his coffin on a nightly basis to bite necks? Why is no one nailing an extra thesis to the door of the Lutheran Church? Doesn't seem fair somehow.
I do note, however, that the big money which is available to finance schism, opprobrium and liberal/moderate bashing has not been made available to the Lutherans. If you go to the Institute for Religion and Democracy you'll see little action tabs marked 'Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican'. Either the Lutherans were neglected because the 'L' box was inadvertently left in the car by somebody who'd rushed home to see if the oven was still on or because those wishing to foment True Religion in the Lutheran church forgot to apply for funding.
This happens in a lot of organizations - failure to apply for relevent funding is a legitimate grounds for dismissal of a chief executive or a development director. Somebody's head should clearly roll.
What an opportunity missed! There are world-wide fellowships there for the splitting. Lawyers and lobbyists aren't being paid their retainers. Lutheran bloggers are standing at the fringes of the Episcopal dispute red-cheeked with shame like boys who haven't been picked for the team. Look at these people - sitting at the same table! By default they seem to be saying that the question is manageable, a subject of discussion and a "dispute largely about homosexualty with questions (of) scriptural interpretation as a faint overlay".
Can you imagine!